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2045 - 2077








La idea fundamental que he intentado justificar en este trabajo es que el rematante debe recibir la propiedad que tenía el embargado y la misma propiedad del embargado. 1. El registro no garantiza al rematante la identidad material del bien rematado, que no es como lo describe el registro o como se describe en el mandamiento de embargo o en el anuncio de subasta, sino que el bien rematado es como es en la realidad, que el rematante debe investigar. 2. La inscripción del remate no garantiza tampoco frente a las cargas manifiestas que pesan sobre la cosa adjudicada, ni garantiza la posesión pública y pacífica de la cosa subastada, ni garantiza frente a las limitaciones legales del dominio: retractos legales, normativa urbanística, dominio público, etc.; y el rematante tiene que investigarlo extrarregistralmente. 3. La publicidad registral no debe extenderse al remate. Además de razones formales para negar la publicidad en el remate: su falta de control de la identidad y realidad física de la finca y la falta de control efectivo de la realidad de las transmisiones que publica, el registro no puede garantizar a non domino (ex art. 34 LH) el derecho de propiedad sobre la cosa subastada o rematada por dos razones sustanciales: primero porque la propiedad es protegida constitucionalmente, y es un derecho manifiesto, anterior y superior al registro; y entiendo que no tiene ningún sentido que en el remate el propietario tenga menos protección que el poseedor o que el titular de una servidumbre o limitación legal del dominio; y la segunda razón sustancial
para negar la publicidad en el remate es que no cumple las condiciones del artículo 34 LH, porque el remate no es una venta, sino que es un acto de naturaleza aleatoria, y no proviene del titular registral sino del juez. 4. A partir de la reforma de 1992, y en la LEC 1/2000, se han reforzado las garantías del juicio ejecutivo reconociendo una particular eficacia (ius prioritatis, ius persequendi) a la anotación preventiva de embargo, que antecede el remate y lo justifica causalmente. En su virtud, el rematante puede desconocer las ventas, los créditos o preferencias que no estén inscritos o anotados con anterioridad a la anotación de embargo (inoponibilidad de títulos no inscritos); pero deben ser oponibles al rematante los derechos manifiestos (la propiedad entre ellos), y en particular los actos de enajenación de la cosa por el titular registral anteriores al embargo que sean públicos, socialmente consolidados y no presenten sospecha de fraude. Así la clásica distinción jurisprudencial entre venta de cosa ajena y doble venta es sabia y profunda, y responde a la distinción entre inoponibilidad y publicidad registral. 5. El registro está llamado a hacer efectiva la prioridad procesal de la ejecución, el rango y prioridad de la anotación, y puede reservar la preferencia del crédito ejecutado. A mi juicio, la causalidad del remate (en su fundamento procesal, registral y material) es incompatible con la adquisición a non domino del rematante. Y en particular la posible concurrencia de embargos o acumulación de ejecuciones sobre el mismo bien predica (por la causalidad del remate) que el rematante no adquiere del titular registral, sino que se subroga en su lugar.


The fundamental idea I have tried to uphold in this paper is that the winning bidder in a foreclosure auction must receive the selfsame identical ownership that the debtor held before him. 1. The registration system does not give the winning bidder any guarantee of the physical identity of the auctioned property, which is not as described in the registry or as described in the foreclosure order or auction announcement, but rather the registration system guarantees that the auctioned property is how it is in reality, and this the winning bidder must investigate. 2. Nor does registration of the adjudication to the winning bidder give any guarantee against publicly declared burdens on the adjudicated thing, nor does it guarantee public, peaceful possession of the auctioned thing, nor does it give any guarantee against legal restrictions on ownership (e.g., legal redemption, city planning legislation, public domain); this the winning bidder must investigate outside
the registration system. 3. Registration publicity should not be extended to the winning bid. In addition to there being reasons of form for refusing publicity, the registrar has conducted no check of the identity and physical reality of the property, and there has been no effective check of the reality of the transfer. Moreover, the registrar cannot furnish an a non domino guarantee (under the Mortgage Act, §34) of the right of ownership in the auctioned thing for two substantial reasons: first, because ownership is protected by the Constitution and is a manifest right prior and superior to registration,
and it is my understanding that it makes no sense for the owner to have less protection in the auction than the possessor or the holder of an easement or a legal restriction on ownership; and the second substantial reason for refusing publicity of the winning bid is that the conditions of the Mortgage Act, §34, are not met, because the auction is not a sale, but an act of random nature, and it is not set in motion by the registered owner of
title, but by the judicial authorities. 4. As of the 1992 reform, and in Act 1/2000 on civil procedure, guarantees of foreclosure rulings are reinforced through recognition of the particular efficacy (jus prioritatis, jus persequendi) of the caveat of attachment that precedes the auction and forms the causal justification of the auction. By virtue thereof, the winning bidder may remain unaware of any sales, credits and preferred rights that are not registered or caveatted before the caveat of attachment (unopposability of unregistered titles); but manifest rights (including ownership) must be opposable against the winning bidder, particularly acts to dispose of the thing that are performed by the registered owner of title before the attachment and are public, socially consolidated and under no suspicion of fraud. Thus, the classic distinction in case law between the sale of another's property and double sale is wise and profound, and it reflects the distinction between unopposability and registration publicity. 5. The registration system is called upon to enforce the procedural priority of foreclosure and the rank and priority of ca veats, and the registration system can reserve preference for the debt at issue in the foreclosure. In my opinion, the causality of the auction (in its procedural, registration-related and physical fundament) is incompatible with the winning bidder's purchase a non domino. And particularly because of the possible concurrence of attachments or accumulation of foreclosures pertaining to the same property (due to the causality of the auction), the winning bidder should not be seen as acquiring ownership from the registered owner of title, but rather as stepping into the place of the registered owner of title through subrogation.

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